Signature Fireworks

Signature Fireworks

Signature fireworks source and select the best products from industry recognised suppliers around the world, such as China, Spain, and Italy to name a few. We often visit the supplier’s factories to oversee our fireworks being made to ensure that we can provide superior quality products for our displays. All of our products not only exceed our rigorous standards, but they also meet the required British and European standards.

As well as having and using high specification fireworks, the good design and set up of a display makes a huge impact on your show so we employ FireOne for all of our displays, its precise, accurate timing and state of the art software allows us to program more complex and dynamic displays. This paired with our in-house designers have gone on to wow pyrotechnic judges, celebrities, and major clients across the world.

With high expectations to deliver a perfect display, Signature Fireworks have a highly competent, robustly trained Firing Team who, with their personal passions for pyrotechnics, work together to deliver shows of the highest quality and craftsmanship.

This meticulous approach for all of our displays has now established Signature Fireworks as the UK’s most awarded firework display company.