Well, here we are, back in Southport to try and retain our title from last year. Our approach was the same as last year, making sure the music selection resonates with the huge variation of audience and it would have to be the very heart and soul of the display, emotive and powerful with highs and lows. The music has the role of providing suspense, elation and excitement and this is what we wanted to convey, through the fireworks, to the audience.
Preparations started many months ago perfecting the script in readiness for the show and preparing the products before the show to make life on site as easy as possible as this show would have to be bigger and better than last year.
More modules and firing equipment were borrowed than ever before but we managed to get the show on the ground, thanks to the massive push from our crew and the other teams who helped out once their show was rigged.
"Preparations started many months ago perfecting the script in readiness for the show"
The Setup

"More modules and firing equipment were borrowed than ever before but we managed to get the show on the ground."

All of the firework crews worked incredibly hard across the two-day set up, battled through the weather conditions and kept keen and humorous spirits throughout. The camaraderie of not only our crew but all the other competitor’s teams was amazing and made the weekend thoroughly enjoyable.
On show day, our display fired perfectly and just how we wanted it to look, High tempo, Low tempo and colourful sections followed by a loud thunderous finale. Our display along with the other competitors displays certainly made this year’s judging very difficult as it was hard to see a clear winner, although secretly we wanted to win.
"High tempo, Low tempo and colourful sections followed by a loud thunderous finale."
Once the last display had fired, we had to nervously wait for the decision of the judges. In what seemed to take an age we finally heard the PA system fire up with the announcement, we were winners again! We could not believe it! Back-to-back winners of the British Musical Firework Championship, something that had never been achieved before. A title that resounded across the fireworks community and certainly pricked a few ears up in the process, including Graham and Kath from Pyro2000 who approached Mark during the trophy presentation at the town hall to congratulate him personally. A massive honour and the start of a very special friendship between the three of them.

The Show